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莫吉廖夫自由经济区 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息


Canteen building

Branch "Mogilevskaya CHPP-2" RUE "Mogilevenergo" Mogilev, Shmidta Ave. 106/33.

Total area – 651.9 sq.m. 

Foundation - concrete, walls - brick, ceilings - wood, roof - asbestos-cement sheet, floors - tiles. Cold water supply, electricity, sewerage - central. Ventilation with natural impulse. Telephonization.


The cost of rent per 1 m2 of area (excluding the landlord's costs for maintenance, operation, repair of leased real estate, costs for sanitary maintenance, hot and cold water supply, sewerage (sewage), electricity and heat supply and other services) varies from 2 .13 to 2.84 rubles depending on the demand for real estate, its technical condition and commercial benefits.

The technical data sheet for the facility can be downloaded here.