The total area of the site is 182.6公顷
The total area of the vacant production premises is 6 230.8平方米。
The enterprises located on the site:
- NTC Didaktika, Private Enterprise
- Mogilevenergo, RUP
- Brandstroyproekt, ODO
- Ageyeva Galina Evgenievna
- Mogilevliftmash, ОАО
- Eskado, ООО
- ElitStroyInvest, CTPUP
- Mebelkhoztovary, ОАО
- RN-Zapad, IOOO
- Karbelteks, IOOO
- Mogilev Regional Center of Small Business Development
- Arna, ООО
- Khromushin Sergey Mikhailovitch
- Linetrack, CTUP
- Vlatoks Group, CPTUP
- Noba, ООО
- Aliom, ООО
- Aresa-Techno, ООО
- Kudryavtsev Nikolay Vladimirovitch
- Zenit, ОАО
- Dry Cleaning and Laundry, OАО
- TreidWei, ООО
- Binpromgroup, OOO
- Mogotex, ОАО
- Mahina-TST, ООО
- Olsa, ОАО
- Zapadelektrosetstroy, ОАО
- Keidzh Development, IООО
- Mikromatika, ООО
- Blessbuild, OOO
- Sheolan, ООО
- Dekansky Evgeny Aleksandrovitch
- Gazpromneft-Belnefteproduct, IOOO