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莫吉廖夫自由经济区 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息


Lot 17A (suburban area) with the area of 22.13 hectares.

Water supply
In the South of the lot (along Silikatnaya Str.) lies the water pipeline, 200 mm in diameter.
Sewer system
In the South of the lot (along Silikatnaya Str.) lies the sewer pipeline, 200 mm in diameter.
Gas supply
In close vicinity to the site the gas pipeline, 219 mm in diameter, and gas control unit are located.
Power supply
Berezinskaya power station 110 kV is located 0.6 km away from the site (spare capacity - 4.32 MW).
Transport access
The possibility to get connected to the railway lines that are located to the West from the lot.