Режим для слабовидящих

将信息提供到国家统一登 记薄

投资者专用信息 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息

将信息提供到国家统一登 记薄

    Registering bodies in the order stipulated by the Instruction about the order of maintaining the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs approved by Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus No 25 of March 10, 2009 "On approval of the Instruction about the order of maintaining the Uniform State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" may provide on request the information from the Uniform State Register database. To obtain the information from the Uniform State Register it is necessary to submit the application and the document confirming payment of state duty in the established amount to the registering body. 

    The information from the Unified State Register is provided:

  • to legal entities – within 7 calendar days starting from the day following the date of the request;
  • to natural persons - within 5 calendar days starting from the day following the date of the request;
  • The amount of state duty. Payment details.

    The state duty may be payed via Single Settlement and Information Space system. In accordance with part 4 section 6 article 287 of the Tax Code if the state duty was paid via Single Settlement and Information Space system the payee must tell the Identification number of the transaction in the Single Settlement and Information Space system upon application to the body that collects state duty.

    Example of filling in the application for obtaining information from the Unified State Register for natural persons.

    Example of filling in the application for obtaining information from the Unified State Register for legal entities.

    The information from the Unified State Register is open to public except for the information constituting state secrets, banking and other kind of information protected by the law. The information on place of residence of the owners of the property (founders, members) i.e. of natural persons, the information from the identification document; the place of residence, contact telephone numbers, the information from the identification document of the head of the legal entity (another person authorized by constituent documents to act on behalf of the organization); the information of the identification document of the individual entrepreneur is provided only at the request of the state bodies and other persons that are authorized by the legal acts to obtain personal information about natural persons.

    If neither the Unified State Register does't contain information on a requested legal entity or an individual entrepreneur or if it is impossible to determine the legal entity or the individual entrepreneur from the inquiry, the information letter reports about the absence of the requested information.