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新闻中心 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息


Visit of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to "Mogilev" FEZ, the Republic of Belarus

On March 29, the Administration of “Mogilev” FEZ was visited by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Belarus Alok Ranjan Jha during the business trip to the Mogilev region.

The Informational attorney of the "Mogilev" FEZ Administration in Asia and the Middle East Priyanshu Jha, who was present at the meeting, noted that woodworking and metalworking are of particular interest to Indian businessmen in Belarus. He admitted that Belarus is opening up for India, and Indian businessmen show interest in Belarus. This is confirmed by the cooperation agreements signed on March 23 during the Days of the Mogilev region at the World Exhibition "EXPO-2020" in Dubai between the "Mogilev" FEZ and two Indian companies on the implementation of investment projects.

Visit of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to "Mogilev" FEZ, the Republic of Belarus