The total area of the site is 1,297.90公顷
The total area of the vacant production premises is 179,171.6平方米
空地的总面积为 62.7公顷
- Mogilevkhimvolokno - 175,000.0 sq.m.
- Mogilev Chemical Factory Zarya - 1,889.0 sq.m.
- Branch "Mogilevskaya CHPP-2" RUE "Mogilevenergo" - 651.9 sq.m.
- Branch "Mogilevskaya CHPP-2" RUE "Mogilevenergo" - 962.3 sq.m.
- Branch "Mogilevskaya CHPP-2" RUE "Mogilevenergo" - 166.8 sq.m.
- Branch "Mogilevskaya CHPP-2" RUE "Mogilevenergo" - part 501.6 sq.m.
The enterprises located on the site:
- Mogilevkhimvolokno, ОАО
- Belarusneft-Mogilevoblnefteprodukt, RUP
- Shkredov Igor Nikolaevitch
- Freeze, ООО
- Novus Industry, OOO
- Mebelain, IOOO
- FOREMAN Products
- Ultra Play OSB, OOO
- Ultrachem, ООО
- Mogilev-Steel, OOO
- BIO Bricks, ODO
- Mogilevenergo, RUP - Branch, Mogilev Central Heating Plant-2
- Mogilev Waste Recycling Plant
- Ingal, ООО; Gorka, ООО; Malievsky V.V.
- Belenergostroy, ОАО
- Road Building Group - Dorozhno-Stroitelny Trest No3, ОАО
- Promzhilstroy, ОАО
- Obltoplivo, MKOUPP
- Gorbatskaya Valentina Dmitrievna
- Mogilevobldorstroy, KUP
- Mogilev Chemical Plant Zarya, ZAO
- Elpa, UCPP
- SBI Kauchuk, IOOO
- Omsk Carbon Mogilev, IOOO
- Gaschimresource Bel, ООО
- Znosok N.A., Marchenko K.A., Shabanova S.S., Raiselkhozenergo, ODO
- Mogilev Branch of Belarusian Railway, RUP
- GasEnergyHim, ООО
- Ultrabuild Steel, ООО
- Soda Stream
- Imperiya Green
- Nor-Bel Pulp