For the maintenance of buildings and structures, a land plot with cadastral number 741000000001000651 was provided, the area of the plot is 1.0839 hectares (the plot is recognized as indivisible).
Capital structure - canteen and conference hall building (multifunctional building), inv. No. 710/C-5685, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, st. Shinnaya, 13, certificate No. 710/24-1752 dated 10/06/2005.
The building is non-residential, two-story, But = 9 m 37 cm; total area 1934.0 m²; year of construction – 1976; foundation – reinforced concrete; external and internal main walls and partitions - brick; floors – reinforced concrete slabs; the roof is soft; floors – tiles, concrete, parquet boards; windows – PVC, double painted, paneled window openings; heating from CHP; water supply – metal pipes; sewerage - cast iron pipes; hot water supply - from thermal power plant. Installed power 250 kW.
The building is pledged to the bank.
Capital structure - platforms and passages (structure of unknown purpose), inv. No. 710/C-80806, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, st. Shinnaya, 13. Sites and driveways with a total area of 466.0 m², built in 1981.
Refrigeration unit ARTH-5 with inv. No. 44047.
An insulated room with a single-leaf swing door is equipped for the refrigeration unit (medium temperature). Room dimensions: Length 4.5m, width 2m, height 2.5m. Volume about 22.5 cubic meters.
Composition of the refrigeration unit:
- Compressor Embraco Aspera NJ9232E/ Freon R-22. Cylinder volume 26.20. Mode - medium temperature. Power at -15 = 1522 watts. Power at 0 = 2695 watts. Power at +7.2 = 3611 watts. Weight 22.1 kg – 1 pc.
- Vertical condenser - a heat exchanger in which the refrigerant transitions from a gaseous state to a liquid state - 1 pc.
- Air cooler – a heat exchanger designed to cool the air and maintain the set air temperature in the room – 1 pc.
- Controllers for regulating the temperature parameters of the refrigeration system – 1 pc.
- Automatic switch – 2 pcs.
- Contactor KMI-11210 for starting, stopping and reversing asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor for voltages up to 660 V – 1 pc.
KTP-28 with inv. No. 09224
Complete transformer substation KTP-28 for converting electricity in the networks of power systems and electricity consumers. Designation 2KTP-1000/6/0.4. The output on the LV side is cable. Electrical circuit diagram - No. 10.
KTP composition:
- Transformer TMZ-1000/6/0.4 - 2 pcs.
- Input cabinet No. 1 VV-2, 6 kV - 1 pc.
- Input cabinet No. 2 VV-2, 6 kV - 1 pc.
- Cabinet 0.4 kV KN - 8 pcs.
- Capacitor unit UK-0.38 - 1 pc.
Year of manufacture and commissioning - 10/01/1976.
Location: building and conference hall with a dining room at the address: Bobruisk, Shinnaya St., 13.
Capital structure - canteen and conference hall building (multifunctional building), inv. No. 710/C-5685, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, st. Shinnaya, 13, certificate No. 710/24-1752 dated 10/06/2005.
The building is non-residential, two-story, But = 9 m 37 cm; total area 1934.0 m²; year of construction – 1976; foundation – reinforced concrete; external and internal main walls and partitions - brick; floors – reinforced concrete slabs; the roof is soft; floors – tiles, concrete, parquet boards; windows – PVC, double painted, paneled window openings; heating from CHP; water supply – metal pipes; sewerage - cast iron pipes; hot water supply - from thermal power plant. Installed power 250 kW.
The building is pledged to the bank.
Capital structure - platforms and passages (structure of unknown purpose), inv. No. 710/C-80806, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, st. Shinnaya, 13. Sites and driveways with a total area of 466.0 m², built in 1981.
Refrigeration unit ARTH-5 with inv. No. 44047.
An insulated room with a single-leaf swing door is equipped for the refrigeration unit (medium temperature). Room dimensions: Length 4.5m, width 2m, height 2.5m. Volume about 22.5 cubic meters.
Composition of the refrigeration unit:
- Compressor Embraco Aspera NJ9232E/ Freon R-22. Cylinder volume 26.20. Mode - medium temperature. Power at -15 = 1522 watts. Power at 0 = 2695 watts. Power at +7.2 = 3611 watts. Weight 22.1 kg – 1 pc.
- Vertical condenser - a heat exchanger in which the refrigerant transitions from a gaseous state to a liquid state - 1 pc.
- Air cooler – a heat exchanger designed to cool the air and maintain the set air temperature in the room – 1 pc.
- Controllers for regulating the temperature parameters of the refrigeration system – 1 pc.
- Automatic switch – 2 pcs.
- Contactor KMI-11210 for starting, stopping and reversing asynchronous electric motors with a squirrel-cage rotor for voltages up to 660 V – 1 pc.
KTP-28 with inv. No. 09224
Complete transformer substation KTP-28 for converting electricity in the networks of power systems and electricity consumers. Designation 2KTP-1000/6/0.4. The output on the LV side is cable. Electrical circuit diagram - No. 10.
KTP composition:
- Transformer TMZ-1000/6/0.4 - 2 pcs.
- Input cabinet No. 1 VV-2, 6 kV - 1 pc.
- Input cabinet No. 2 VV-2, 6 kV - 1 pc.
- Cabinet 0.4 kV KN - 8 pcs.
- Capacitor unit UK-0.38 - 1 pc.
Year of manufacture and commissioning - 10/01/1976.
Location: building and conference hall with a dining room at the address: Bobruisk, Shinnaya St., 13.