投资者专用信息 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息
- the dwelling belongs to the natural person on the property right (is in share or joint property) on condition of approval by another proprietor (all proprietors) and all adult members of his family (family members of all proprietors) living in this premise;
- the natural person permanently lives in the dwelling (except for the premises of the state housing fund) as evidenced by the mark in the identity document or information in the registration card on condition of approval by the owner (all owners) of the dwelling of the private housing fund and all adult members of the owner's family (owners' families).
The location of a legal entity is determined by the location of its permanent executive body (administrative division, settlement, house, apartment or other premises, if any), and in case the legal entity has no permanent executive body - by location of another body or person who is authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity without power of attorney.
The location of a private unitary enterprise or a farm may be a dwelling (apartment, house) of an individual who is the owner of the property of a private unitary enterprise or the head of the farm (hereinafter referred to as the dwelling) in one of the following cases:
If the location of a commercial, non-commercial organization has changed, you must inform the registration body within 10 working days.
You must fill in a notification of change of location of the legal entity and submit it by personal appeal to the registration body, post it or send it to the registration body via the web-site of the Unified State Register ( by the new location of the legal entity.
There is no need to notify tax authorities, state statistics bodies, bodies of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and separate subdivisions of the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise "Belgosstrakh" about the change of location of the legal entity (this information is sent to these bodies and organizations by the registration body in electronically).