投资者专用信息 關於莫吉廖夫自由經濟區的有用信息
- The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a member of a number of international organizations: International Chamber of Commerce, Association of European Chambers of Commerce, International Council of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Economic Chambers of the Central and Eastern European countries, Council of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Central European Initiative countries, a member of the Advisory Council of managers of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan member states and other international associations.
- The Chamber has been implementing Cooperation Agreements and Memoranda with National and Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry, associations and other organizations – traditional and promising trade partners of the Republic of Belarus.
- There have been incorporated business cooperation councils, including those with Austria, Bangladesh, Georgia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Oman, Saxony Land (Germany), Serbia, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE, Ukraine, as well as а Belarus-EU Business Council with headquarters in Brussels.
- Organization of business missions
- Business presentation
- Organization of business forums
- Organization of trade exchanges (B2B)
- Assistance in fair and exhibition activities
- Organization of media tours
- Translation/Interpreting
- Consulting on foreign economic activity issues
- Reports on certain goods production in Belarus
- Search for business partners
- Providing information on the organizations' registration and reliability
- Marketing research
- Exchange trade
- Certification of origin of goods
- Сertification of goods (works, services) of domestic manufacture
- Confirmation of the status of goods manufactured by (received from) free economic zones residents
The development of foreign economic relations is largely determined by the development of the foreign economic infrastructure. Chambers of Commerce and Industry unite commercial structures of various sectors of the economy.
The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded on December 23, 1952, when the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR gave the all-Union Chamber of Commerce the right to organize its branch in Minsk. 20 years later the Department was transformed into the Chamber of Commerce of the Belarusian SSR. After the Republic of Belarus gained state independence and sovereignty in 1991, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Belarusian SSR was renamed the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI).
The Decree of the BSSR Council of Ministers, dated June 15, 1963 established the Department of Commodity Expertise of the Belarusian branch of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce on the basis of the former Bureau of Commodity Expertise of the Trade Administration of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee. Later, after the country had gained sovereignty, the department was reorganized into the Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since July 2000 Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been a Unitary enterprise providing services.
The enterprise is a large department subdivision of the BelCCI and it provides the services to more than 130 members of the Chamber and more than 1 000 business entities in the Mogilev region.
The enterprise has offices in Bobruisk, Osipovichi and Krichev. The enterprise has close ties with the regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Europe, Moldova, Baltic countries, Russian Federation and the Ukraine. Together with the Smolensk CCI it arranges an interregional exhibition 'The Republic of Belarus is Your Partner'.
The Mogilev branch of the BelCCI is a member of the Hanseatic Parliament. Together with the Erfurt CCI (Germany) it implements the program of international cooperation.
Among services provided by the BelCCI are:
1. Foreign economic activity
2. Marketing and consulting services
3. Exhibition activity
4. Assessment
5. Expertise
6. Certification
The Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides services for certification on the basis of the Law "On the Chamber of Commerce", dated June 16, 2003, and the regulations of the Republic of Belarus on the BCCI activity in this area.
According to the active legislation, the BCCI has the authority to perform the following activities: certification of origin of goods, certification of goods (works, services) of domestic manufacture, confirmation of the status of goods manufactured (received) by the residents of free economic zones and other types of services.
7. Execution and issue of ATA carnets
8. Educational and consulting services
9. Patent and licensing services
10. Legal support of foreign economic activity
11. Services rendered by the IAC of the BelCCI
12. Lease
The company closely cooperates with the regional CCI of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and Moldova. Over 60 cooperation Agreements have been concluded. Cooperation with the state authorities of Mogilev region, Mogilev Association of Industrialists and entrepreneurs and a number of other organizations is successfully developing.
The Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and industry, due to the geographical location of the region, specializes in the development of foreign economic cooperation with the neighbouring regions of the Russian Federation. Relations with CCI of Smolensk, Tula, Bryansk region and Gagauzia are successfully developing. The interregional exhibitions "The Republic of Belarus is Your Partner" are held in Smolensk on a regular basis. "House. Dacha. Design", "Mogilev Kirmash" and "Golden autumn" are held in Mogilev.