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“Mogilev” FEZ Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev


Administration of Free Economic Zone is a republican legal entity that is established as an institution by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. 

Administration of Free Economic Zone:

  • participates in the development and implementation of social and economic development programs of the corresponding administrative-territorial units and makes proposals to preparation of local budget projects;
  • together with the relevant regional (city) Executive Committee organizes work on the development of the free economic zone and implements its development programs;   
  • makes proposals on the creating laws and regulations on the functioning of the free economic zone, including improvement of the special legal regime of the free economic zone; 
  • takes the initiative of changing the boundaries of the free economic zone and extending its life; 
  • acts as a customer for the design and construction of industrial, engineering, transport and other infrastructure objects within the boundaries of the free economic zone ; 
  • carries out advertising and information activities in the Republic of Belarus and abroad in order to promote the conditions of investment and business activities in the free economic zone and attract foreign and national investors; 
  • considers investment projects proposed for implementation in the free economic zone in accordance with the established procedure; 
  • carries out state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the free economic zone, except for banks, non-bank credit and financial organizations, insurance organizations, insurance brokers, associations of insurers; 
  • approves the model form of the agreement on the conditions of activity in the free economic zone; 
  • concludes (extends) agreements on the conditions of activity in the free economic zone and monitors their implementation; 
  • registers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as residents of the free economic zone as stipulated by the legislation on free economic zones; 
  • represents interests of the free economic zone in relations with government bodies and other organizations; 
  • in coordination with the customs authority makes decisions on the determination of the limits of the free customs zone or abolition of the free customs zone for a particular resident of the free economic zone; 
  • withdraws and provides for rent land lots within the boundaries of the free economic zone to residents of the free economic zone in accordance with the established procedure. If necessary, transfers land from one category to another if such rights are delegated to it by the relevant regional (city) and city (city of regional subordination) Executive Committees and (or) otherwise provided by the President of the Republic of Belarus; 
  • exercises other powers stipulated by the Law, the Statute of the Administration of the free economic zone and other legislation regulating the activities of free economic zones of the Republic of Belarus. 

  • Welcome home for your business! Welcome to “Mogilev” FEZ!