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“Mogilev” FEZ Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev


26.11.2021 Time Capsule was laid as a landmark for construction of a laminated plastics plant

4 Photos

05.11.2021 Mill of Success

10 Photos

27.08.2021 Football championship

31 Photos

01.04.2021 Conference "Development of Investment Structure in the Republic of Belarus"

18 Photos

01.12.2020 Aloisia Wörgetter, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Austria to Belarus visited Mogilev FEZ

6 Photos

2020.08.14 Football championship

8 Photos

31.01.2020 "Mogilev" FEZ Welcome Day

17 Photos

20.02.2020 International Belarusian and Turkish Forum "Mogilev-Amasya"

24 Photos

24.01.2020 The President of the Republic of Belaus visits Shklov

6 Photos

2019.10.30-31 Machine Building and Metalworking

52 Photos

28-29.06. 2019 Mill of Success

19 Photos

06.11.2019 Mebalain Marathon

3 Photos

26.02.2019 Visit of the delegation from India

3 Photos

14.05.2019 Meeting with residents

5 Photos

16.05.2019 Visit of the Ambassador of Lithuania

12 Photos

21.05.2019 Visit of the Ambassador of Austria

2 Photos

10.04.2019 Tibo Pictures

2 Photos

29.03.2019 Metalworking

18 Photos

06.02.2018 Visit of the delegation from Tajikistan

4 Photos

27.02.2018 Meeting with residents

13 Photos

28.03.2018 Myasnikovich at VMG

10 Photos

19.06.2018 Ekstrusion Technologies is a FEZ resident

1 Photos

29.06.2018 Mill of Succeess

27 Photos

07.07.2018 Japanese delegation

3 Photos

06.11.2018 Myasnikovich at Omsk Carbon Mogilev

7 Photos

30-31.01.2018 Belarus-Austria intergovernmental Commission

8 Photos

21.03.2017 The President of the Republic of Belarus visits Kronospan OSB

4 Photos

14-15.09.2017 Conference on Woodworking

12 Photos

01.03.2017 The Ambassador of Lithuania visits "Mogilev" FEZ

4 Photos

30.06.2017 Mill of Success

6 Photos

02.10.2017 Mogilev Mebelain Marathon

1 Photos

14.11.2016 The President of the Republic of Belarus visits Mogilevkhimvolokno

4 Photos

05.05.2016 Wet wipes production line opening

6 Photos

24.06.2016 Exchange park Opening ceremony

9 Photos

27.06.2014 Omsk Carbon Mogilev Ceremony of laying capsule

9 Photos

09.07.2013 The President of the Republic of Belarus visits VMG Industry and Mebelain

5 Photos