Liquidation of a legal entity
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Liquidation of a legal entity
- the application for liquidation as stipulated by the Ministry of Justice, specifying the information on the procedure and terms of liquidation, members of the liquidation commission, its Chairperson or appointment of the liquidator. An application for liquidation is signed by the Chairman and members of liquidation commission (if the liquidation commission is appointed) or liquidator (if a liquidator is appointed). If the chairman of the liquidation commission (liquidator) is a legal entity, an application for liquidation is signed by the head of this legal person or by another person authorized in accordance with the statute (constituent contract for commercial organizations which operate only on the basis of the constituent contract) to act on behalf of that legal entity;
- the decision on liquidation. The decision written in a foreign language shall be translated into the Belarusian or Russian language (the signature of the translator is to be certified by a notary);
- legalized extract from the trading register of the country of the foundation of the company or another equivalent proof of the legal status of the organization in accordance with the legislation of the country of its establishment (the extract shall be dated not later than one year prior to the submission of the application for liquidation) with its translation into the Belarusian or Russian language (the signature of the translator is to be certified by a notary) – for owners of the property (founders, members) which are foreign organizations.
- liquidation balance sheet signed by the members of the liquidation Commission (liquidator) and approved by the owner of the property (founders, members) or body of the commercial organization authorized by the Statute (constituent contract– for commercial organization acting only on the basis of the constituent contract);
- original certificate of state registration of a legal entity or an application about its loss including information about publishing an ad about its loss;
Upon liquidation of a legal entity by the decision of the owner (founders, members) of the property or by the decision of the body of the legal entity, authorized by the statute (constituent contract for commercial organizations which operate only on the basis of the constituent contract) the following is to be submitted to the registration body:
"Information about liquidation (termination of activities) of economic entities is placed on the official website of the juridical journal of research and practice “Justice in Belarus” ("
The procedure of publication of information about liquidation (termination of activities) of economic entities is presented in the regulations approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1164 of August 31, 2011 "On some issues of state registration and liquidation (termination of activities) of economic entities and making amendments and additions in some resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus".
Payment details: Учреждение «Редакция журнала «Юстиция Беларуси», УНП 101473130220004, г. Минск, ул. Кальварийская, 1-1, комн. 703, Р/с BY97AKBB30150000008730000000 в ОАО «АСБ Беларусбанк», БИК AKBBBY2X, 220089, г. Минск, пр-т Дзержинского, 18
(For reference: Institution "Editorial Board of the juridical journal of research and practice “Justice in Belarus”", the Payer's Identification Number of the payee 101473130, 220004, Minsk, Kalvariyskaya Str., 1-1, room 703, BY97AKBB30150000008730000000 in Belarusbank, SWIFT-code: AKBBBY2X, 220089, Minsk, 18 prosp. Dzerzhinskogo.)
Cost of advertisement – BYN 32.0
The account number and date of the transaction shall be submitted to the registration body in case the notification on liquidation (termination of activity) of an economic entity, notification on liquidation of a legal entity or termination of activity of an individual entrepreneur was paid via the Single Settlement and Information Space system.
When the liquidation process is over the liquidation commission (liquidator) is to submit the following to the registration body:
Note! To start liquidation process of a legal entity or terminate the activity of an individual entrepreneur electronic documents can be submitted via the web-site of the Unified State Register (