Registration procedure
For investors Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev
Registration procedure
- an application in accordance with the form approved by "Mogilev" FEZ Administration;
- duly notarized copies of the Articles of Incorporation (for legal entities). The original documents should be presented during the submission;
- a copy of the certificate of the state registration. The original document should be presented during the submission;
- the investment project business-plan developed in accordance with the form approved by "Mogilev" FEZ Administration. The business-plan of a legal entity that reports to or shares of which are controlled by a republican authority of public administration or another public organization reporting either to the Government of the Republic of Belarus or Mogilev Executive Committee shall be approved by this public authority or organization;
- a document proving payment of the state fee for registration as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident by the established amount.
A legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or an individual entrepreneur of the Republic of Belarus located within the "Mogilev" Free Economic Zone territory that concluded an agreement on terms of activity in the "Mogilev" FEZ can be registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident.
FEZ Administration makes the decision on registering a "Mogilev" FEZ resident.
List of documents:
In order to apply for the "Mogilev" FEZ residence a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) submits the following documents to "Mogilev" FEZ Administration:
The state fee for registration as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident is 50 basic amounts (payment information)
According to the results of the consideration of the submitted documents, a draft of the Agreement on conditions of activity in "Mogilev" FEZ is sent to the Applicant for the decision on registration as a FEZ resident to be made and the Agreement to be concluded. The Agreement is concluded for the duration of the investment project stipulated in the business-plan.
The Applicant is registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident on the day the agreement on conditions of activity in "Mogilev" FEZ is concluded for the duration term of the Agreement.
A form of the Agreement is approved by "Mogilev" FEZ Administration.
A copy of "Mogilev" FEZ Administration's decision to refuse conclusion of the Agreement and registration of the Applicant as its resident specifying grounds of refusal is sent back to the Applicant no later than the day following the day of this decision.
In case "Mogilev" FEZ Administration refuses to conclude the Agreement and to register the Applicant as its resident, the registration fee is reimbursed to the Applicant in the order stipulated by the legislation.
The Applicant can appeal against the decision of "Mogilev" FEZ Administration to refuse registration as a FEZ resident in court in accordance with the established procedure.
The Agreement on activity conditions in "Mogilev" FEZ should be concluded within five days from the day the Applicant has received it but no later than one month after the date of this decision.
The Applicant is registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident on the day the Agreement is concluded for the duration term of the Agreement.
The Certificate of registration as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident is sent (delivered) to its resident no later than three days after conclusion of the Agreement.
If the Applicant does not conclude the Agreement, the paid registration fee is to be reimbursed in the order stipulated by the law.