How to become a “Mogilev” FEZ resident
“Mogilev” FEZ Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev
How to become a “Mogilev” FEZ resident
A legal entity or an individual entrepreneur of the Republic of Belarus or a foreign country located within the "Mogilev" Free Economic Zone can be registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident as stipulated by the legislation.
To become a “Mogilev” FEZ resident a few steps shall be fulfilled:
- Apply to “Mogilev” FEZ Administration with the investment proposal;
- Have the investment proposal approved and agree on the location of production facilities within “Mogilev” FEZ;
- Create a business-plan of the investment project with investments into the project implementation equal to no less than 1 million euro*;
- Prepare and submit to “Mogilev” FEZ Administration all the required documents;
- Register as “Mogilev” FEZ resident and conclude an agreement on terms of activity in the FEZ.
*investments into the project implementation equal to no less than 500 thousand euros, under condition of investment in specified amount within three years from the date of conclusion of the contract on activity conditions in the FEZ.
List of documents for registration as a FEZ resident to be submitted to “Mogilev” FEZ Administration:
- an application in accordance with the form approved by "Mogilev" FEZ Administration;
- duly notarized copies of the Articles of Incorporation. The original documents shall be presented during the submission;
- a copy of the certificate of the state registration. The original document shall be presented during the submission;
- the investment project business-plan created in accordance with the form approved by "Mogilev" FEZ Administration;
- a document proving payment of the state duty for registration as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident by the established amount (50 base units).
Within 14 business days "Mogilev" FEZ Administration considers the complete set of documents and whether the business-plan complies with the requirements.
If the documents comply with the legislation, a draft of the Agreement on conditions of activity in "Mogilev" FEZ is sent to the Applicant. The Agreement shall be concluded within 5 days since the Applicant got the draft of the Agreement but no later than 1 month since the draft was sent to the Applicant.
The Agreement is concluded for the duration of the investment project stipulated in the business-plan. The Applicant is registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident and gets the Certificate of registration as a FEZ resident on the day the Agreement on conditions of activity in "Mogilev" FEZ is concluded.