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Novus Industry, OOO

Residents Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev

Novus Industry, OOO

Registered address

16 Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 213105
Novus Industry, OOO

Novus Industry was registered as a "Mogilev" FEZ resident on June 26, 2009 with an investment project in the field of woodworking.

Novus Industry industrial complex covers an area of 22 hectares and includes three productions:

- particle board production,

- plywood and layer glued production,

- furniture production.

Since 2013 the company produces chipboard, various types of furniture and laminated products.

The priority task of Novus Industry is to reduce the amount of raw materials imported in the production, which makes search and cooperation with belarusian manufacturing enterprises, such as Grodno Azot, JSC (Grodno), Mineral Wax Plant, JSC (Minsk region), Gomelglass, JSC (Gomel), Vitebskdrev, JSC (Vitebsk), Cellular Cardboard Factory (Mogilev), Spiridon Sobol Mogilev Regional Printing House (Mogilev), Kronochem (Mogilev), Kronospan NT (Smorgon) the main factor that affects the reduction of production cost.

Sales geography includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany.

Novus Industry was awarded as the best exporter of the year in the category "Woodworking, furniture and pulp and paper industry" at the annual contests "The Best Exporter of 2014" and "The Best Exporter of 2015", which are held by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and supported by republican government bodies, regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee.

In 2014, the enterprise was awarded the diploma of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee “The best entre-preneur in the Mogilev region. The best entrepreneur-creator of new jobs”.

In 2016 - a diploma of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee "For high results achieved".

In 2018 - a diploma of the Mogilev City Executive Committee "For Achievement of High Results", a diploma and a cup "For Successful Investment Activity" at the X International Investment Forum "Mill of Success".

In 2019 - the Cup "For Sustainable Development in the Mogilev Region" at the XI International Investment Forum "Mill of Success".

In 2020 - entry on the Board of Honor of the Mogilev region for achieving best results among industrial organizations as of year 2019.

In 2020 - a diploma "Exporter of the Year" at the II regional investment forum "Mogilev region - the territory of opportunities".

In 2020 - a 2nd degree diploma Winner of the annual competition for the socio-economic development of the Mogilev region among industrial organizations based on the results for 2019.

In 2022 - a 2nd degree diploma Winner of the annual competition for the socio-economic development of the Mogilev region among industrial organizations based on the results for 2021.

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