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Osipovichy Transport Engineering Plant, ZAO

Residents Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev

Osipovichy Transport Engineering Plant, ZAO

Registered address

10 Pototskogo Str., Osipovichi, Mogilev region, 213765
Osipovichy Transport Engineering Plant, ZAO

Osipovichy Transport Engineering Plant was registered as a resident of “Mogilev” FEZ on September 28, 2018 with an investment project in the field of machine building. It is a new enterprise that is focused on the production of freight rolling stocks and tank containers. Fully automated equipment from the world's best manufacturers in the machine building industry such as: "FRONIUS" (Austria); SATO, WHEELABRATOR (Germany), HACO (Belgium), AMADA (France), FACCIN Srl, GRACO (Italy) has been installed. The equipment has no analogues in Belarus, many machines and mechanisms are non-standard and are manufactured specially for the needs of Osipovichi Transport Engineering Plant.

Osipovichi Transport Engineering Plant has highly qualified specialists in the field of tank containers and container equipment, expert evaluation of the safe condition of tank containers for the carriage of bulk cargoes and liquefied hydrocarbon gases. The assembly and welding of containers is performed by well trained personnel on the modern equipment. Engineering staff and welders undergo periodic refreshing training and scheduled recertification.

Flexible technology mastered at the enterprise allows to switch from production of one model to the production of another one in accordance with the existing orders. High level of automation allows to reduce the time of production, increase productivity, ensure product quality to the best world analogues, significantly reduce production costs by reducing material consumption and reduction of losses from spoilage.



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