Residents Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev

Modernization of Re-Plas-M, ООО in "Mogilev" FEZ in 2019-2024.
8 Kulibina Str., Mogilev, 212008

Development of Mining Machinery Factory, Private Production Unitary Enterprise in 2020-2025 гг.
171 Slavgorodskoye Shosse, Mogilev, 212013

Development vertically integrated wood-processing complex in 2019-2023 in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
16 Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 213105

Development of SBI Kauchuk, IOOO in "Mogilev" FEZ in 2021-2025
45 Prospekt Shmidta, Mogilev, 212035

Development of Mebelain, IOOO in the terrirtory of "Mogilev" FEZ
22, Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 213000

Development of Belmash Plant, SООО in 2016-2023
37 Slavgorodskiy Proezd, Mogilev, 212013

Development of BelEmsa, ООО in 2017 - 2023 in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
9 Polykovichi, Mogilev district, 213121

Establishing an enterprise for professional sports equipment manufacture by Foreman Products, Foreign Enterprise in "Mogilev" FEZ
19 Koulibina Str., Mogilev, 212008

Development of production of materials for furniture and construction industries in "Mogilev" FEZ.
32, Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 213000 (Kronospan Plant in Veino agrosettlemnt area)

Development Gaschimresource Bel, ООО in 2018–2022 in the terrotory of "Mogilev" FEZ
55 Prospekt Shmidta, Mogilev, 212035

Creation and Development of Hi-Tech Production in Newsprint Paper Plant, RUP
9, 1-st Zavodskaya Str., Shklov, 213010, Mogilev region

Development of Bobruiskagromash Holding Managing Company, OJSC in 2018-2024
5 Shinnaya Str., Bobrujsk, 213822

Modernization of production of household chemical goods and personal cleaners of Sontsa, Perfumery Cosmetics Plant , Unitary Enterprise
1 Proektiruemaya Str., Osipovichi, 213760, Mogilev district

Setting up an enterprise for carbon black production in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ in Mogilev region and building railways for the enterprise
36 Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 212035, West of Veino agrotown

Construction and commissioning of power plants at Belshina, Open Joint Stock Company
12 Minskoe shosse, Bobruisk, 213824, Mogilev region

Construction, establishment and further maintenance of the plant for production of the carbamide-formaldehyde resins and the phenol formaldehyde resins to be used for manufacturing in Mogilev free economic zone by Ultrachem, OOO.
32/1 Veino rural council, Mogilev region, 213105

Modernization of existing production of pre-insulated pipes and fittings, organization of production of new types of products in "Mogilev" FEZ
17B 4 Pereulok Mechnikova, Mogilev, 212008

Production of steel structures for buildings and constructions for various purposes and complexity in "Mogilev" FEZ
37, Veino Soviet of the settlement, Mogilev region, 212035

Organization of gas motor fuel production on the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
48 Veino rural council, to the West of Veino, Mogilev region, 213105

Development of Roofing plant TechnoNICOL, Foreign Limited Liability Company in 2017-2022 in "Mogilev" FEZ
room 19, 11 Chapaeva Str., Osipovichi, Mogilev district, 213760

Manufacturing of PVC window systems in "Mogilev" FEZ
Room 1, 7 Vitebsky Prospekt, Mogilev, 212004

Development of Spartak Paper-mill, Open Joint-Stock Company in 2018– 2024
26 Fabrichnaya Str., Shklov, 213004

Development of Olsa, ОАО in 2018-2024 in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
96 Grishina Str., Mogilev, 212030

Development of Osipovichy Transport Engineering Plant, Closed Joint-Stock Company in 2018-2023 on the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
10 Pototskogo Str., Osipovichi, Mogilev region, 213765

Production of food phosphates in "Mogilev" FEZ
44 Timiryazevskaya Str, room 27, Mogilev, 212030

Creation of an enterprise for the production of electric-welded steel pipes in the free economic zone "Mogilev"
213105, Mogilev region, 1 Veino Rural Council

Development of Imperia Green, ООО in "Mogilev" FEZ in 2021-2026.
212035, Mogilev, 114/2 Shmidta Prospekt

Productopn of plastic goods for packing in "Mogilev" FEZ
213134, Pepublic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Buinichi, № 22/2

Production of sandwich panels in "Mogilev" FEZ
Republic of Belarus, 212008, Mogilev region, Mogilev, 12 per. Mechnikova, 1

Production of bleached chemico-thermomechanical pulping (BCTMP) in "Mogilev" FEZ
212035, Mogilev region, Mogilev, 45 Shmidta Ave, room 409 (administrative building No 2)

Production of welding wire from non-precious metals used for electric arc welding in "Mogilev" FEZ
212011, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Mogilev, st. Grishina, 87

Organization of production of kitchen furniture in "Mogilev" FEZ
213134, Mogilev region, Mogilev district, Buinichsky village council (Building, 6)

Organization of the production of sanitary and hygienic products in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
212011, Mogilev region, Mogilev, st. Kaluga, 41

Development of production of PVC and aluminum products in the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
212013, Mogilev region, Mogilev, sh. Slavgorodskoe, 165A, room. 700/C-81513

Organization of the production of metal structures, camping furniture on the territory of the Mogilev FEZ
212008, Republic of Belarus, Mogilev, st. Kulibina, d. 7/3

Modernization of Mogilevliftmash, ОАО in 2019-2024 on the territory of FEZ "Mogilev"
212798, Mogilev, Mira ave., 42

Organization of production of basalt-based insulation on the territory of the Mogilev FEZ
213105, Mogilev region, Mogilev district, Veinyansky village council, village of Zatishye

Organization of production of packaging materials on the territory of “Mogilev” FEZ
213134, Mogilev region, Mogilev district, Buinichsky village council, 22/2 (behind the oil depot in the area of Buinichi village)

Organization of polymer products production on the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
Republic of Belarus, 212035, Mogilev, 45, Schmidt Ave.

Organization of production of bodies and trailer equipment on the territory of "Mogilev" FEZ
87 Grishina str., Mogilev, 212011

Implementation of the investment project "Organisation of production of trailer and body equipment in the territory of FEZ “Mogilev”.
Republic of Belarus, 213828, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, Minskaya str., 184А