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Land lots

“Mogilev” FEZ Useful information about free economic zone in Mogilev

Land lots

Land lot 1A
Land lot 1A occupies the area of 11.0 hectares (suburban area). It is located near “Plant “Mogilevtransmash”,
the affiliate of “МАZ”, OJSC.
Power supply
Water supply
Sewer system
Storm water drainage system
Gas supply
Land type
Fire safety
According to the general plan of Mogilev city the lot is a part of the industrial area.
Land lot 1B
Land lot 1B (suburban area) with the area of 24.0 hectares.
Power supply
Gas supply
Water supply
Sewer system
Storm water drainage system
Land type
Fire safety
According to the general plan of Mogilev city the lot is a part of the industrial area.
Land lot 1C
Land lot 1C (suburban area) with the area of 100.0 hectares.
Power supply
Gas supply
Water supply
Sewer system
Storm water drainage system
Land type
Fire safety
According to the general plan of Mogilev city the lot is a part of the industrial area.
Land lot 4A
Land lot 4A with the area of 3.0 hectares.
Water supply
Gas supply
Sewer system
Heat supply
Transport access
Land lot 4B
Land lot 4В with the area of 26.0 hectares.
Power supply
Water supply
Heat supply
Gas supply
Steam supply
Land lot 4C
Land lot 4C with the area of 9.0 hectares near “Mogilevkhimvolokno”, OAO.
Power supply
Water supply
Heat supply
Gas supply
Land lot 4D
Land plot with an area of 3.7 hectares (district lands).
Water supply
Sewer system
Gas supply
Power supply
Transport infrastructure
Heat supply
There is cold water supply and power supply in the territory of the enterprise. There is no central sewer system.
Land lot 4F
Land lot 4F with the area of 1.0 hectare (urban area) is located to the South from the territory of “Zarya”,
Joint Stock Company.
Water supply
Power supply
Sewer system
Land lot 4J
Land lot 4J with the area of 20.0 hectares (Mogilev region)
Power supply
Water supply
Sewer system
Gas supply
Transport access
Land lot 7A
Lot 7A (suburban area) with the area of 154.0 hectares.
Power supply
Water supply
Gas supply
Sewer system
Transport access
The land lot includes an explored sand field
Land lot 8A
Lot 8A (suburban area) with the area of 46.0 hectares.
Water supply
Sewer system
Gas supply
Power supply
Heat supply
Land lot 16A
Lot 16A (suburban area) with the area of 14.33 hectares.
Water supply
Sewer system
Gas supply
Power supply
Heat supply
Land lot 17A

Lot 17A (suburban area) with the area of 22.13 hectares.

Water supply
Sewer system
Gas supply
Power supply
Transport access
Land lot 15 А
Land lot 15А with the area of 28.0 hectares.
Transport access
There is an airport close to the land lot. (Clas: В. ICAO code: UMOO. The airport is used by Belaeronavigatsiya, Republican Unitary Enterprise. The airport accomodates 191 tonne all-weigh craft. For creating objects in the territory close to the airport permission of the Ministry of Transport and Communication is required.