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Bobruiskagromash Holding Managing Company, ОАО

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Bobruiskagromash Holding Managing Company, ОАО

Registered address

5 Shinnaya Str., Bobrujsk, 213822
Bobruiskagromash Holding Managing Company, ОАО

Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company was registered as a resident of "Mogilev" FEZ on December 30, 2011 with an investment project in the sphere of machine building. The company has been operating in the agricultural machinery market since 1974. During this period, the company has gained vast experience in the production and sale of agricultural machinery, which allowed to achieve high quality products at relatively low cost and to gain a niche in this market segment.

The company specializes in producing a complex of machines for transporting and applying solid and liquid organic fertilizers, machines for applying mineral fertilizers, a complex of machines for mechanized harvesting and distribution of roughage, and machines for flax harvesting. In total, more than 50 types of agricultural machines and units are manufactured at the enterprise.

The main focus of the enterprise in recent years has been the development of new technology, which allows the introduction of intensive technologies in agricultural production. It enables the company to increase constantly the production volumes and export.

At present, Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company is the largest producer of agricultural machinery and accessories in Eastern Europe. The brand is known in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America.




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